Transactions Management

Transaction Management is a supplement to the present escrow and title services we provide. Our Transactions Management department gives the customer:

  • Prompt accurate preliminary commitment preparation and delivery
  • Working with parties to the transaction to eliminate exceptions
  • Provide updates to preliminary commitments
  • Review and adhere to requirement of the earnest money including time requirements
  • Monitor with realtors, financial institutions and parties various requirements
  • Keep parties timely apprised of timelines
  • Provide appropriate, authorized document preparation
  • Provide trust accounting and settlement statements of transactions
  • Assist parties and their agents in accessing services that have to be provided by third parties
  • Recording documents, distributing documents and instructions
  • Providing recording documentations and funds to appropriate parties
  • Keeping track of additional services and total closing and title if requested by a particular party, real estate agent, real estate broker or financial institution
  • Accessing our affiliated payment processing or tax payment service if requested before or after closing